Data Search

Exam Objectives

Search for data by using search methods of the Stream classes including findFirst, findAny, anyMatch, allMatch, noneMatch.


1. The correct answer is D.
anyMatch() is a terminal operation, it cannot be linked together with another operation.

2. The correct answer is C.
findAny() returns Optional<T>. filter() is an intermediate operation that returns a new stream. findMatch() doesn't exists and anyMatch() returns a boolean.

3. The correct answer is C.
allMatch() short-circuits at the first element that doesn't match the given predicate, 1.

4. The correct answer is A.
filter() returns a stream of elements starting with 4. So first, 4 is passed to anyMatch(), it's printed and since the condition fails, the next element generated by filter(), 5, it's passed, which is printed and, since the condition is true, the whole process is stopped.