
Exam Objectives

Use try-catch and throw statements.
Use catch, multi-catch, and finally clauses.
Use Autoclose resources with a try-with-resources statement.
Create custom exceptions and Auto-closeable resources.


1. The correct answer is B.
The finally block is always executed before the returning of a method, even if the try or the catch blocks also have a return statement.

2. The correct answer is D.
The code correctly compiles as it is. In a normal try block, the catch and the finally block are optional but either one of the must be present.

3. The correct answers are C and D.
Option A is false. In a try-with-resources, the catch block is not required.
Option B is false. The throws keyword is used to declare which exceptions a method could throw.
Option C is true. In a try-with-resources block, if you declare more than one resource, they have to be separated by a semicolon.
Option D is true. If a catch block is defined for an exception that couldn't be thrown by the code in the try block, a compile-time error is generated.

4. The correct answer is E.
This is the output of the program:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang RuntimeException: RuntimeException
at chapter.twenty.Question_19_4.main( Suppressed: Close Exception at
chapter.twenty.Connection.close( at

Catching the IOException thrown by the close method of the class Connection is required for the program to compile.

However, the RuntimeException thrown inside the try block is not caught, so the default exception handler takes care of it.

5. The correct answers are B and C.
java.lang.ArithmeticException and java.lang.ClassCastException are subclasses of java.lang.RuntimeException.